Week 1 On the Weight Loss Wagon

The thing with unlearning a toxic body image mentality is that it's really, really flipping hard. Boyfriend and I did our first workout on Friday. Boyfriend appears significantly fitter than me; he's leaner looking and weighs significantly less. Even still, when we worked out, he threw up. He finished the workout after, which I'm so …

Missing Someone Else’s Life

Something I had to adjust to when I came to college was the fact that everything would be different when I went home. In this case, I didn't just mean my family dynamic; I mean that everything changed. My parents moved, my sister had a baby, and home began to feel less and less like …


My stepdad comes from a small town. Admittedly, I don't come from an enormous city--but I grew up in a sort of Little Big City Urban Sprawl Situation. It's easier to say that I'm from New Orleans before I say I'm from anywhere else. It's been a privilege in a lot of ways. I grew …

Thank Your Father

I had to get off Instagram because of the pictures. People posting pictures of their Dads, throwbacks and recents, long posts and inside jokes and anything else you can imagine. A Good Friend texted me: "happy Father's Day" and for a second I assumed she'd sent it to the wrong number. I am definitely not …